Wednesday, March 27, 2013

More Easter Bento Fun...sort of!

I failed to prep again last night since I had a headache. Boo. So my dreams of deviled eggs that look like little chicks was a major fail; I'll have to try that again some time in the future. At least the eggs got boiled (thanks to Mike)!

This morning I made some quick deviled eggs for Mike's lunch, on top of a little bit of folded pita, with veggies and hummus on the side. Super fast bento! Forgot to cut the veggies all cute and pretty so I ended up cutting some fruit roll up flowers and throwing them on top. It's amazing how much better lunch can look with just a few little decorations and some awesome reusable grass/leaves! The pink silicone cup doesn't hurt, either. Eliminate the pita and this lunch is gluten free.

REVIEW: Everything got eaten, but both Mike and I noticed that the egg whites on our backyard chicken eggs are different than store bought eggs. The backyard chickens have a more varied diet that includes grass, seeds, insects, etc. The yolks are delicious! But texture/palate-wise, the egg whites are really firm. They definitely work better as egg salad or poached, scrambled, fried, etc. For some reason in the hard-boiled form, it's just harder to eat since the whites are not jello-y like conventional eggs.

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